Yard Service FAQs

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What is a PB yard service line as defined by the Class?
That portion of any potable water distribution system with an Installation Date between January 1, 1978 and July 31, 1995, which extends from the water company cutoff valve or a water source to the transition to the inside plumbing system in or at the structure (excluding the meter) and which is composed of Polybutylene Pipe. This line is typically blue, sometimes gray in color.


How do I know if there is a leak in my yard line?
There is a simple test that can be done to check for leaks. Locate the interior shut off valve and turn the water off to the interior of the home. Then locate the meter box and see if the meter is still moving. If the meter is still moving, this would indicate a leak in the main line. Please be sure to turn off valves for sprinkler systems for other equipment when doing this test.
For homes where the meter is located at the foundation of the home, the water company can usually be called upon to test for a leak in the line.


Is there a time frame for leaks?
For yard lines, the leak must occur within ten years from the date of installation of this product. All claims must be filed for by the eleventh year of installation. (i.e. for a home built August 1992, there must be a documented leak by August 2002 and that leak must be filed for by August 2003)


Do I have the option of using my own plumber to replace my yard line?
Yes, you can use your own contractor for line replacement but your reimbursement may be limited. As the owner of property, you have the absolute right to use any plumber you wish. However; The Terms of Settlement, in keeping with established legal practice, provide that reimbursement shall be based on Reasonable and Necessary expenses incurred because of work done in the Usual and Customary manner. As a Homeowner, you should check with the CPRC to see what the Prevailing Costs are for yard service line replacements in your area prior to starting the project. Otherwise, you may not receive 100% reimbursement of your expenses. Finally, Homeowners who use their own plumbers will be responsible for making all arrangements. The property may be inspected prior to payment being made.


If the yard service line replacement is performed by an approved CPRC contractor, will there be a warranty on the work performed?
As required by the Scope of Work, the contractor shall provide the homeowner a written one-year warranty commencing upon completion of the work.


What is the PB yard service line going to be replaced with?
The yard service line will be replaced with the product required per the local plumbing codes. The plumbing system will be replaced with a code approved material.


What if I have already replaced my yard line and want to file for reimbursement?
If the yard line has been replaced, you can call the CPRC for a claim package and file for reimbursement. Please note that reimbursements are based on reasonable and necessary charges for this same work in your area.


If I purchase a property am I able to claim previous leaks that have occurred at the property prior to my ownership?
For a Class Member to receive relief as an Eligible Claimant, the Qualifying Leak(s) or Qualifying Yard Service Leak(s) must occur in the yard service line during the Claimant's ownership of that Unit.


How long does the claim process take for a Yard Service claim?
The claims package takes approximately 21 days to reach you when filing for reimbursement on a yard line replacement. Once returned to CPRC with all the requested documentation, process of reimbursement generally takes 30 to 45 days.


What documents are needed for proof of installation?
Documents that may be considered as verification of the installation date of the PB yard service line include: Final Plumbing Inspection; Final Building Inspection; Original Meter Installation Date; Receipt for PB installation; Initial Certificate of Occupancy; Initial Warranty Deed; or the Original owner settlement statement.


What is eligible under the suit for recovery?
All claims are reviewed on an individual basis. Normal recovery would be based on document receipts for replacements, repairs, temporary lines, damage to personal property caused by the water and insurance deductibles if property damages were filed with your homeowners insurance.


What about my landscaping and the water bills?
All claims are reviewed on an individual basis. Water bills, landscaping, copper upgrades (unless code required), hotel stays, lost wages and medical bills are not considered for reimbursement under the Settlement.


What if I have not had any leaks in my line? Can I still get it replaced?
No. There are no preventative measures covered under the Settlement which states that the yard service line must have a documented leak in the product in order to receive recovery.


The main line has not experienced any leaks. Should I file a claim with the CPRC in case a leak(s) occur in the future?
No, it is not necessary to contact the CPRC unless the main yard service line has experienced a polybutylene leak(s).

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